Don Garlits
Notice the enigine in this dragster. It's mounted sideways! Big Daddy called it the "Sidewinder".
This is the cockpit of one the slingshot dragsters. Yes, that's the rear axle and transmission between your legs!
This is a Streamliner dragster. Cool body and paint scheme!
Yes, this is a pink dragster. It's Shirley Muldowny's 1980 race car.
Roy Hill's Pro Stock race car.
Tom "Mongoose" McEwen and Don Prudhomme had a bit of a friendly rivalry going. Hence the Snake verses the Mongoose.
I don't remember Jim Liberman from the races. He was a little before my time, I think. But, I do remember the plastic model kits of his car. I may have even built one many moons ago.
Yep, this a lawn mower powered by a blown, nitro burning hemi!
The rest of these photos are other cars I found rather interesting for one reason or another. This yellow hot rod is one of my favorites among the old school drag cars. Check out the flat head!
This 1936(?) Packard is my favorite of the classic cars Big Daddy has on display in the Antique/Classic car building of the museum.
There are many more cars than I could put in this blog. In fact, I'm sure I missed some while I was there! If you are a car nut or just remotely interested in them you should visit Don Garlits Museum of Drag Racing in Ocala, FL. Plan to spend a couple of hours looking around. There's a lot to see there.